Promote foreign trade to ensure stability and improve quality Ningbo Customs issued 20 "core" measures

On June 16, Ningbo Customs issued the 20 measures of Ningbo Customs on promoting the stability and 

quality improvement of foreign trade (hereinafter referred to as the measures). In terms of improving 

customs clearance efficiency, Ningbo customs actively implemented the integrated control and inspection 

mode of high-tech goods such as vacuum packaging, expanded the pilot work, focused on the production 

needs of high-tech enterprises such as integrated circuits and biomedicine, and provided policy guidance;

 Provide expedited customs clearance services for enterprises importing raw materials, parts, complete equipment,

 etc., and implement the "7 × 24 "hour customs clearance; Further promote the pilot of "direct delivery of 

imported goods at the ship's side" and "direct loading of exported goods at the port" throughout the port; 

Implement the "daily online" of machine inspection and inspection to effectively improve the efficiency of 

cargo customs clearance.

In terms of improving the fast track of Xinguan vaccine reagent, Ningbo Customs has established a "green 

channel" for quarantine examination and approval of exit Xinguan vaccine, implemented the "5 + 2" 

all-weather working system, and completed quarantine examination and approval within 24 hours, single

certificate review and on-site inspection within 24 hours, and port inspection and release supervision within

24 hours for those with complete application materials and legal forms; Optimize the approval process of 

exit health and Quarantine of Xinguan testing reagent, improve the approval efficiency, implement automatic

verification of export write off, and help Xinguan testing reagent further expand its export.

In terms of effectively reducing the burden on enterprises, Ningbo customs, on the one hand, comprehensively

promoted the "intelligent examination" of certificates of origin, promoted the intellectualization, standardization

and standardization of certificates of origin visas, and served enterprises to enjoy "one run at most"; On the 

other hand, actively publicize RCEP rules of origin and tariff concession policies, and set up RCEP special windows

at various customs clearance sites to provide consulting services for enterprises and support enterprises to make 

good use of the tax reduction and fee reduction policies.
