Summer outdoor camping, these safety hazards can not be ignored!

For those who like outdoor camping,  campinge quipment and basic outdoor knowledge are essential, because outdoor camping requires facing all kinds of emergencies, so adequate equipment and outdoor precautions are very necessary, when camping outside according to the location you want to choose, the season and the weather to determine the choice of equipment, so as to maximize the avoidance of some of the dangers caused by the lack of equipment in the outdoors. This will maximize the avoidance of some of the dangers caused by insufficient equipment in the outdoors, and if you are camping by car, then it is even more convenient.

Summer not only rain, high temperatures, but the summer although the weather is hot, but when the summer, many people are like summer outdoor activities, but also due to the hot temperature and heavy rain and other factors, summer outdoor activities have many matters needing attention, the following precautions are only for your reference reading.

Note Ⅰ

Less use of mobile communication products, camping outside, sudden special weather, come by surprise, thunderstorm weather outdoors can not be under large trees and other objects to avoid the rain, many people do not pay attention to the use of mobile communication devices under a thunderstorm safety issues, in such bad weather, radio wave transmitting and receiving equipment is easy to attract lightning strikes, as long as the connection to the Internet or wireless network, it is likely to incur lightning strikes, see can not In time to go back or evacuation, often think about giving family or friends and relatives contact, therefore, for safety, when lightning in the surrounding area not far from the sound, try not to use radio signal communication equipment.

Avoid entering the unknown situation of the cave, there are many kinds of natural caves in nature, as well as a variety of excavated tunnels and mines, etc., some adventure an well people tend to go forward to find excitement. Before the rainstorm, be sure to evacuate these caves in time, otherwise the flood backed up on the big problem.

Camping choice in the highlands, in order to prevent flash floods and other dangers, camping in the wild, some campers will choose tent camp in the top of the mountain and other high places, while away from trees and other tall objects to avoid being struck by lightning, in fact in, rainy days camping in high places is necessary, but the tent will often have metal parts, not suitable for isolated settings in the open high places, otherwise, the tent becomes the highest point of the camp, but also easy to incur lightning strikes.

Beware of rain mudslides, in the evening mountains, after heavy rain flash floods or mudslides often soon roar and come, so before the onset of heavy rain to evacuate the canyon and low-lying areas as soon as possible, for flash floods must pass through, do not risk trying to rush across the valley after the rainstorm, once rushed to run, it is likely to just run to the middle of the valley, the flood came, into and out and caused accidents.

It is not advisable to choose a campsite near the water. It is also especially important to consider the water source when choosing a campsite, but it is still recommended to bring your own large bottle of mineral water, and the campsite should not be too close to the water's edge on a rainy day, because the body of water can transmit to the electric current, once lightning hits the water next to the campsite, it is likely to injure people. The news often reports that livestock and fish in the water are killed by lightning, so the threat of lightning striking a body of water cannot be ignored.

When heavy rain to avoid the rain, the wind came, it is necessary to prohibit activities to find a place to avoid the rain, otherwise there is a risk of being hit by objects blown up by the wind, or blown down the valley from a high wind, try not to the structure of loose rocks, caves under the rain, such as the erection of a tent must be tightly fixed windproof rope, or landslides of stone collapse is likely to bury the people hiding in the rain. 

Stay away from power cables, stay away from power lines more than everywhere are power cables, high-voltage lines in the wilderness of many mountains, storms may scrape the wires, lightning may also hit the transmission lines, therefore, heavy rain, heavy rainstorms can not be camping near the power lines, and do not pass under the lines.

Caution Ⅱ

The old cliché sun protection, summer at the beach or hiking, the sun is quite strong, it is important to pay attention to sun protection, generally speaking, the morning temperature is still okay, but by noon the sun is the highest temperature, the sun's ultraviolet rays are particularly strong, the skin exposed to the sun for a long time, it is likely to cause burns on the skin, and may occur the phenomenon of heat stroke, ultraviolet rays can also be through the skin UV rays can also pass through the skin, bones, radiation to the brain and retina, causing damage to the brain and eyeballs. Don't forget to bring long-sleeved clothes that resist UV rays and mosquitoes, and put on sunscreen, so good sun protection is really one of the most important things.

Drinking water the right way to "open", summer outdoor sports sweating, must be timely hydration, but if the wrong way to drink water, will lead to adverse consequences. Many models in beverage commercials, during exercise or rest, often pick up a bottle of drink and drink it all, which looks very thirsty, but in fact, from the point of view of exercise physiology, is very harmful. Drinking a lot of water during and after exercise will add burden to the circulatory system, digestive system and especially to the heart, causing more fatigue. Drinking a lot of water will only result in more sweating, leading to further salt loss and triggering cramps and cramps.

Countermeasures, should be small and many times, each time you drink water only a few sips, drink water more frequently, do not rely on the feeling of thirst as the basis for hydration, not thirsty when you also need to replenish water, so that the water is balanced. Do not drink a lot of water at once, but not to control the supplemental water, if a large amount of water loss is not replenished, serious kidney failure will be triggered. Generally speaking, a day of summer activities (5-8 hours), at least 2-3 liters of drinking water, and even 6 liters of water in high temperature situations. Recommended amount to carry: 4 or more 600ml bottles of water, 550ml of sports drink (1 or more glucose or Gatorade, medical physiological salt is best).

Caution III

Many urbanites, especially children, have not experienced overnight stays in the countryside or in the wilderness for many years, and their immunity has declined. Therefore, outdoor camping should carry the appropriate mosquito incense (wild life also need to pay attention to fire safety) mosquito repellent water and so on.

How to prevent summer heat, eat less and more meals, the more things you eat at a meal, in order to digest these foods, the more metabolic heat generated by the body, pay special attention to eat less high-protein foods, they produce especially more metabolic heat. Eat spicy foods, doctors believe that although it is unimaginable to eat these things on a hot day, spicy foods can stimulate the reception of heat in the mouth, improve blood circulation and cause a lot of sweating, these help to lower the body temperature. Avoid strenuous exercise, strenuous exercise will activate the body energy and increase the internal temperature.

Camping what to eat at ease, staple food is always the only choice for outdoor travel, staple food categories, rice and noodles, steamed buns, snacks are counted, conditions allow, travel far away from the choice of staple food, can supplement the body needs a variety of vitamins and minerals, balanced outdoor travel with nutrition, so that the body is in a good physical condition. Fruit is essential, not only to quench thirst, but also to replenish a variety of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and other nutrients. But pay attention to the time to eat fruit, an hour before and after the meal is the best to eat fruit.
